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Paulo Cicero Marculino

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Heresy Conselheiro Cristao

Heresies about tithing

Heresies over tithing are increasing, as Agenor Duke says that the person who does not give tithes goes to hell, and a preacher in the gideons said that it is impossible for God to hear the prayer of the person who does not give the tithe.
But God heard the prayer of the sinner who did not give tithes, and rejected the prayer of the Pharisee who gave the same.
Salvation is not by tithing, salvation is by grace, by faith, and it does not come from us, it is the gift of God!

Salvation does not come by tithe
Even if you do not give tithes, God hears your prayer!

Jesus Christ is the only and sufficient Savior

Be careful not to fall into heresies!

God bless you!

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